A Family

A Passion

famiglia morini

In the heart of the Val di Mezzane can be found a winery,
an estate where time becomes wine.
Passion and history emerge between the silence of
barrels, revealing the art of eternity.

The reverence of the earth in every sip

Passion, commitment and love for the territory are the values that have always be part of the Ilatium Morini winery.

Today, seven brothers and cousins, carry on the activity with the aim of reaching even more far goals.

A relationship, with the countryside, which has turned into a daily life made of dedication, sacrifice and hard work, finally rewarded by the precious fruit of the land that gives fine wines such as Soave, Valpolicella and Amarone, essence of the hills and valleys of Verona.

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famiglia morini

In the shade of gold and ruby, or into sparkling bubbles, wine tells the art of the soul, distilled in every sip.

The harvest is still proudly hand made to guarantee a careful
selection of the grapes, that still goes on in the winery. The soil characterizes our wine in
every single stage of production, from drying to pressing, till the fermentation.
We use different size of oak barrels to bring out all wine flavours and
to reveal even the hidden quality.


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Olive Oil

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Our organic winesShow more

Since the beginning, all the Ilatium Morini action were focused on sustainability, first of all with the vineyards work and the harvest, made strictly and only by hands.

Amarone della <br> Valpolicella DOCG

Amarone della
Valpolicella DOCG

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Amarone della <br> Valpolicella DOCG

The wine is clear and impenetrable of a vigorous
ruby red. Ready and very fascinating aromas.
Dried purple and pink, black cherry, plum, blueberry and currant.
Balsamic sensations of Mediterranean scrub, then vanilla, hazelnut,
dark chocolate with hints of tobacco and rhubarb.

Full tasting, energetic; all the components are expressed
at a high level to achieve an excellent together, smooth and great drink.

Valpolicella Superiore DOC

Valpolicella Superiore DOC

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Valpolicella Superiore DOC

Vino limpido con un colore rosso granato, intenso e complesso. Al naso si percepiscono note di frutti maturi come marasca, mora e ciliegia.

China, minerali e spezie, quali vaniglia e pepe nero, cioccolato e cannella.

Sorso pieno e avvolgente contraddistinto dal morbido tannino, da alcolicità bilanciata, da una freschezza e sapidità gustativa; finale equilibrato e di media persistenza con richiami di liquirizia.


Le Calle

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Giallo paglierino intenso e luminoso, alla rotazione del calice si nota la corposità e la potenza di questo vino.
Profumi fruttati tendenti al maturo, pesca gialla, accenni di mela cotogna e bergamotto con ricordi tipici di frutta esotica. Al palato morbido, intenso ed avvolgente con una piacevole acidità sul finale.
Vino che esprime nel tempo l'essenza della Garganega con ottime capacità di invecchiamento.

Veneto Biango Igt

Veneto Biango Igt

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Veneto Biango Igt

Colore paglierino tenue, vino giovane e fresco. Il profumo si fa subito intenso, centrato sul frutto e dagli intensi aromi che spaziano tra i fiori, quali tiglio e biancospino, e gli agrumi.
br>Prevalgono i richiami di pompelmo giallo, ananas e mango, successivamente mela verde e un gradevole timbro di salvia, timo e ginestra.

Sorso che avvolge e chiude con progressione sapida e un finale persistente e piacevolmente aromatico. Di grande beva perfetto per ogni momento della giornata.

The vineyards embrace the land, painting emotional landscapes, where the soil tells the place history.

The vineyards embrace the land, painting emotional landscapes, where the soil tells the place history.

The company cultivate directly 45 hectares of fields, between Valpolicella and Soave areas, divided between Val di Mezzane, Val d’Illasi and Valpantena. Very close areas but with peculiar microclimates and soils that offer grape variety with unique organoleptic properties, able to give wines to discover sip after sip.

The vineyards embrace the land, painting emotional landscapes, where the soil tells the place history.


We’ll bring you in a journey from vines to glass. Not just a tasting, but an experience to live. In addition, all the winery places are available to be rent to live your personal occasion in a spectacular vibe.

In the winery, the wine reveals secrets, dancing on the palate in a sensory experience of scents, flavours and stories.

The sustainability according ilatium morini

The sudden changing of the climate, force us to make more conscious choices that, first of all, go through a careful management of resources.

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